Migrating from SonarQube to SonarCloud
SonarCloud (SaaS) differs from SonarQube (self-hosted) in a number of different ways. This page documents the process of migrating from SonarQube to SonarCloud.
The most important thing to remember when performing this migration is that SonarCloud has different names for the configurable properties available in a sonar-project.properties
file. The best place to find the property keys in SonarCloud is within the configuration settings area of the SonarCloud interface. Each configuration option therein shows the respective property key as would be used in the config file.
If a configuration option does not appear in the SonarCloud configuration settings, then it means it does not exist in SonarCloud. This is especially the case with SonarQube plugins, which do not exist in the same way on the cloud version, as SonarCloud comes with many popular plugins already baked into the service. SonarCloud does this because one cannot install plugins in SonarCloud, and this is a fundamental difference between the software. Not to worry though, because SonarCloud plugins are better integrated and easier to manage than it’s server-based counterpart.
Please use the sonar-project.properties
standards and practices described on the SonarCloud Configuration
page to make modifications to existing SonarQube project config files. Any
SonarQube configuration properties that are not supported will simply be ignored by SonarCloud. When using
SonarCloud, the sonar.organization
config property is required or it will not upload - regardless of setting up
the host URL and authentication properly.
When uploading results to SonarCloud or SonarQube, the sonar-scanner
CLI usage is virtually the same, just a
different host URL;
sonar-scanner -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarcloud.io ...
Using SonarCloud with Travis CI
Travis CI has excellent integration with SonarCloud, requiring very little to get up and running. The first step is
to ensure the Travis CI SonarCloud add-on is activated in the .travis.yml
config file;
organization: sonar-org
Then you must ensure that the SonarCloud auth token is available as an environment variable; SONAR_TOKEN
After that, you simply have to run sonar-scanner
after your linting/testing is complete and, of course, that your
file is configured properly and your test reports are consumable by Sonar.
- npm test
- npm sonar-scanner
Using SonarCloud other CI tools/services
It is relatively painless to switch from SonarQube to SonarCloud, as it is simply a change from using a SonarQube
server host to using sonarcloud.io
. In addition to the hostname change, one must also provide authentication for
To make this process easier for users and plans, environment variables be provided to be used within job scripting. Here are the variables to be provided:
https://sonarcloud.io |
sonar-org |
******** |
Using SonarCloud with Bamboo
Bamboo Global Variables can be accessed using the ${bamboo_...}
variable naming convention, for example; ${bamboo_SONARCLOUD_HOST_URL}
. The following command is all that is needed;
sonar-scanner -Dsonar.host.url=${bamboo_SONARCLOUD_HOST_URL} -Dsonar.login=${bamboo_SONARCLOUD_TOKEN_PASSWORD}