This is a styleguide page. Depicted here are the many different typographic styles, visual treatments and media presentations that are used throughout a website.

Brand Headings

Accented Headline (H1)

Accented Headline (H2)

Accented Headline (H3)

Accented Headline (H4)

Accented Headline (H5)
Accented Headline (H6)

Accented (H1)

Accented (H2)

Accented (H3)

Accented (H4)

Accented (H5)
Accented (H6)

Headline (H1)

Headline (H2)

Headline (H3)

Headline (H4)

Headline (H5)
Headline (H6)

Semantic Headings

Page Header (H1)

This is a .lead paragraph, used for introductory and summary copy.

Section Header (H2)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Aside Header (H3)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Pull-out Header (H3)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Section Header (H4)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Aside Header (H4)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Pull-out Header (H4)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Subhead (H4)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Subhead (H5)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Subhead (H6)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Jumbotrons and Headers

Hello, world!

This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention to featured content or information.

Learn more

This Hero-Unit Uses Brand Guidelines

This uses a layered design appoach. The first layer is an image. The second layer is a brand accent color, with opacity applied. The third layer contains an optional transparent image (e.g. Routledge logo). Finally, the fourth layer contains the headline and body copy.

Ads and Promos


Create and share information.

Learn more


Consume and purchase information.

Learn more


Consume people.

Learn more

Typography Elements

Headlines and Subheads

This is a .lead paragraph, used for introductory and summary copy.

Level 1 Heading (H1)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Level 2 Heading (H2)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Level 3 Heading (H3)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Level 4 Heading (H4)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Level 5 Heading (H5)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Level 6 Heading (H6)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Quotes and Blockquotes

Paragraph inside Blockquote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, minima placeat veniam nobis aut itaque odit modi sint ullam natus a vel fuga eos.

Someone famous in Source Title

Blockquote – pulled right.



  • Unordered list 01
  • Unordered list 02
  • Unordered list 03
    • Unordered list inside list level 2
    • Unordered list inside list level 2
      • Unordered list inside list level 3
      • Unordered list inside list level 3
  1. Ordered list 01
  2. Ordered list 02
  3. Ordered list 03
    1. Ordered list inside list level 2
    2. Ordered list inside list level 2
      1. Ordered list inside list level 3
      2. Ordered list inside list level 3
  • Inline
  • List
  • .list-inline
  • Unordered .list-bulleted 01
  • Unordered .list-bulleted 02
  • Unordered .list-bulleted 03
    • Unordered list inside .list-bulleted level 2
    • Unordered list inside .list-bulleted level 2
      • Unordered list inside .list-bulleted level 3
      • Unordered list inside .list-bulleted level 3
  1. Ordered .list-numbered 01
  2. Ordered .list-numbered 02
  3. Ordered .list-numbered 03
    1. Ordered list inside .list-numbered level 2
    2. Ordered list inside .list-numbered level 2
      1. Ordered list inside .list-numbered level 3
      2. Ordered list inside .list-numbered level 3
  • Unordered .list-brand 01
  • Unordered .list-brand 02
  • Unordered .list-brand 03
    • Unordered list inside .list-brand level 2
    • Unordered list inside .list-brand level 2
      • Unordered list inside .list-brand level 3
      • Unordered list inside .list-brand level 3

Description/Definition Lists

Vertical lists
A description list is perfect for defining terms.
Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
Horizontal lists
A description list is perfect for defining terms.
Felis euismod semper eget lacinia
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.


Company Name, Inc.
246 This Ave, Suite 8
Thatcity, AA 13579
P: (123) 456-7890
Full Name

Semantic Contextual Elements

Purpose Example Code
anchor or link hyperlink <a>...</a>
bold, or
italic, or
abbreviation HTML <abbr>...</abbr>
big Large Text <big>...</big>
small Small Text <small>...</small>
citation cite <cite>...</cite>
code, or
teletype, or
pre-formatted text
highlighted text this keyword here <mark>...</mark>
strike-through irrelevant <s>...</s>
underlined text underline <u>...</u>
deleted text delelted <del>...</del>
inserted text inserted <ins>...</ins>
subscript sub <sub>...</sub>
superscript sup <sup>...</sup>
defining term dfn <dfn>...</dfn>
keyboard input kbd <kbd>...</kbd>
quotation q <q>...</q>
sample output samp <samp>...</samp>
variable var <var>...</var>

Text Emphasis

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris nibh. .text-muted

Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. .text-primary

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. .text-warning

Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. .text-danger

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula. .text-success

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. .text-info

Navigation, Navbars and Buttons




Website + Sticky Navbar

Buttons and Dropdowns








Section-Header Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit…

Flex - Section

Section-Header Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit…

Flex - Article/Nav

Article-Header Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit…

Flex - Aside

Aside-Header Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit…

Design and Layout Components


Default panel

Default panel title

Panel content

Primary panel title

Panel content

Section panel title

Panel content

Nav panel title

Panel content

Aside panel title

Panel content

Pull-out panel title

Panel content

Success panel title

Panel content

Info panel title

Panel content

Warning panel title

Panel content

Danger panel title

Panel content

Default panel with list groups

Some default panel content here. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

Default panel with table

Some default panel content here. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.
Table head th Table head td
Table foot th Table foot td
Table body th Table body td
Table body td Table body td

Outlined panel title

This panel has custom styling applied.

Layered panel title

This panel has custom styling applied.

Stiched panel title

This panel has custom styling applied.

Labels New

Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger


Look, I'm in a well!
Look, I'm in a large well!
Look, I'm in a small well!

Alert Messages

Errors and Warnings: Change a few things up and try submitting again. .alert-danger

Success: You successfully read this important alert message. .alert-success

Information: This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important. .alert-info

List Groups



Lorem ipsum.

Button Button


Lorem ipsum.

Button Button


Lorem ipsum.

Button Button


Lorem ipsum.

Button Button


Lorem ipsum.

Button Button


Lorem ipsum.

Button Button



<span class="icon icon-..."></span>
500px (&#xf26e;)
adjust (&#xf042;)
adn (&#xf170;)
align-center (&#xf037;)
align-justify (&#xf039;)
align-left (&#xf036;)
align-right (&#xf038;)
amazon (&#xf270;)
ambulance (&#xf0f9;)
anchor (&#xf13d;)
android (&#xf17b;)
angellist (&#xf209;)
angle-double-down (&#xf103;)
angle-double-left (&#xf100;)
angle-double-right (&#xf101;)
angle-double-up (&#xf102;)
angle-down (&#xf107;)
angle-left (&#xf104;)
angle-right (&#xf105;)
angle-up (&#xf106;)
apple (&#xf179;)
archive (&#xf187;)
area-chart (&#xf1fe;)
arrow-circle-down (&#xf0ab;)
arrow-circle-left (&#xf0a8;)
arrow-circle-o-down (&#xf01a;)
arrow-circle-o-left (&#xf190;)
arrow-circle-o-right (&#xf18e;)
arrow-circle-o-up (&#xf01b;)
arrow-circle-right (&#xf0a9;)
arrow-circle-up (&#xf0aa;)
arrow-down (&#xf063;)
arrow-left (&#xf060;)
arrow-right (&#xf061;)
arrow-up (&#xf062;)
arrows (&#xf047;)
arrows-alt (&#xf0b2;)
arrows-h (&#xf07e;)
arrows-v (&#xf07d;)
asterisk (&#xf069;)
at (&#xf1fa;)
automobile (alias) (&#xf1b9;)
backward (&#xf04a;)
balance-scale (&#xf24e;)
ban (&#xf05e;)
bank (alias) (&#xf19c;)
bar-chart (&#xf080;)
bar-chart-o (alias) (&#xf080;)
barcode (&#xf02a;)
bars (&#xf0c9;)
battery-0 (alias) (&#xf244;)
battery-1 (alias) (&#xf243;)
battery-2 (alias) (&#xf242;)
battery-3 (alias) (&#xf241;)
battery-4 (alias) (&#xf240;)
battery-empty (&#xf244;)
battery-full (&#xf240;)
battery-half (&#xf242;)
battery-quarter (&#xf243;)
battery-three-quarters (&#xf241;)
bed (&#xf236;)
beer (&#xf0fc;)
behance (&#xf1b4;)
behance-square (&#xf1b5;)
bell (&#xf0f3;)
bell-o (&#xf0a2;)
bell-slash (&#xf1f6;)
bell-slash-o (&#xf1f7;)
bicycle (&#xf206;)
binoculars (&#xf1e5;)
birthday-cake (&#xf1fd;)
bitbucket (&#xf171;)
bitbucket-square (&#xf172;)
bitcoin (alias) (&#xf15a;)
black-tie (&#xf27e;)
bluetooth (&#xf293;)
bluetooth-b (&#xf294;)
bold (&#xf032;)
bolt (&#xf0e7;)
bomb (&#xf1e2;)
book (&#xf02d;)
bookmark (&#xf02e;)
bookmark-o (&#xf097;)
briefcase (&#xf0b1;)
btc (&#xf15a;)
bug (&#xf188;)
building (&#xf1ad;)
building-o (&#xf0f7;)
bullhorn (&#xf0a1;)
bullseye (&#xf140;)
bus (&#xf207;)
buysellads (&#xf20d;)
cab (alias) (&#xf1ba;)
calculator (&#xf1ec;)
calendar (&#xf073;)
calendar-check-o (&#xf274;)
calendar-minus-o (&#xf272;)
calendar-o (&#xf133;)
calendar-plus-o (&#xf271;)
calendar-times-o (&#xf273;)
camera (&#xf030;)
camera-retro (&#xf083;)
car (&#xf1b9;)
caret-down (&#xf0d7;)
caret-left (&#xf0d9;)
caret-right (&#xf0da;)
caret-square-o-down (&#xf150;)
caret-square-o-left (&#xf191;)
caret-square-o-right (&#xf152;)
caret-square-o-up (&#xf151;)
caret-up (&#xf0d8;)
cart-arrow-down (&#xf218;)
cart-plus (&#xf217;)
cc (&#xf20a;)
cc-amex (&#xf1f3;)
cc-diners-club (&#xf24c;)
cc-discover (&#xf1f2;)
cc-jcb (&#xf24b;)
cc-mastercard (&#xf1f1;)
cc-paypal (&#xf1f4;)
cc-stripe (&#xf1f5;)
cc-visa (&#xf1f0;)
certificate (&#xf0a3;)
chain (alias) (&#xf0c1;)
chain-broken (&#xf127;)
check (&#xf00c;)
check-circle (&#xf058;)
check-circle-o (&#xf05d;)
check-square (&#xf14a;)
check-square-o (&#xf046;)
chevron-circle-down (&#xf13a;)
chevron-circle-left (&#xf137;)
chevron-circle-right (&#xf138;)
chevron-circle-up (&#xf139;)
chevron-down (&#xf078;)
chevron-left (&#xf053;)
chevron-right (&#xf054;)
chevron-up (&#xf077;)
child (&#xf1ae;)
chrome (&#xf268;)
circle (&#xf111;)
circle-o (&#xf10c;)
circle-o-notch (&#xf1ce;)
circle-thin (&#xf1db;)
clipboard (&#xf0ea;)
clock-o (&#xf017;)
clone (&#xf24d;)
close (alias) (&#xf00d;)
cloud (&#xf0c2;)
cloud-download (&#xf0ed;)
cloud-upload (&#xf0ee;)
cny (alias) (&#xf157;)
code (&#xf121;)
code-fork (&#xf126;)
codepen (&#xf1cb;)
codiepie (&#xf284;)
coffee (&#xf0f4;)
cog (&#xf013;)
cogs (&#xf085;)
columns (&#xf0db;)
comment (&#xf075;)
comment-o (&#xf0e5;)
commenting (&#xf27a;)
commenting-o (&#xf27b;)
comments (&#xf086;)
comments-o (&#xf0e6;)
compass (&#xf14e;)
compress (&#xf066;)
connectdevelop (&#xf20e;)
contao (&#xf26d;)
copy (alias) (&#xf0c5;)
copyright (&#xf1f9;)
creative-commons (&#xf25e;)
credit-card (&#xf09d;)
credit-card-alt (&#xf283;)
crop (&#xf125;)
crosshairs (&#xf05b;)
css3 (&#xf13c;)
cube (&#xf1b2;)
cubes (&#xf1b3;)
cut (alias) (&#xf0c4;)
cutlery (&#xf0f5;)
dashboard (alias) (&#xf0e4;)
dashcube (&#xf210;)
database (&#xf1c0;)
dedent (alias) (&#xf03b;)
delicious (&#xf1a5;)
desktop (&#xf108;)
deviantart (&#xf1bd;)
diamond (&#xf219;)
digg (&#xf1a6;)
dollar (alias) (&#xf155;)
dot-circle-o (&#xf192;)
download (&#xf019;)
dribbble (&#xf17d;)
dropbox (&#xf16b;)
drupal (&#xf1a9;)
edge (&#xf282;)
edit (alias) (&#xf044;)
eject (&#xf052;)
ellipsis-h (&#xf141;)
ellipsis-v (&#xf142;)
empire (&#xf1d1;)
envelope (&#xf0e0;)
envelope-o (&#xf003;)
envelope-square (&#xf199;)
eraser (&#xf12d;)
eur (&#xf153;)
euro (alias) (&#xf153;)
exchange (&#xf0ec;)
exclamation (&#xf12a;)
exclamation-circle (&#xf06a;)
exclamation-triangle (&#xf071;)
expand (&#xf065;)
expeditedssl (&#xf23e;)
external-link (&#xf08e;)
external-link-square (&#xf14c;)
eye (&#xf06e;)
eye-slash (&#xf070;)
eyedropper (&#xf1fb;)
facebook (&#xf09a;)
facebook-f (alias) (&#xf09a;)
facebook-official (&#xf230;)
facebook-square (&#xf082;)
fast-backward (&#xf049;)
fast-forward (&#xf050;)
fax (&#xf1ac;)
feed (alias) (&#xf09e;)
female (&#xf182;)
fighter-jet (&#xf0fb;)
file (&#xf15b;)
file-archive-o (&#xf1c6;)
file-audio-o (&#xf1c7;)
file-code-o (&#xf1c9;)
file-excel-o (&#xf1c3;)
file-image-o (&#xf1c5;)
file-movie-o (alias) (&#xf1c8;)
file-o (&#xf016;)
file-pdf-o (&#xf1c1;)
file-photo-o (alias) (&#xf1c5;)
file-picture-o (alias) (&#xf1c5;)
file-powerpoint-o (&#xf1c4;)
file-sound-o (alias) (&#xf1c7;)
file-text (&#xf15c;)
file-text-o (&#xf0f6;)
file-video-o (&#xf1c8;)
file-word-o (&#xf1c2;)
file-zip-o (alias) (&#xf1c6;)
files-o (&#xf0c5;)
film (&#xf008;)
filter (&#xf0b0;)
fire (&#xf06d;)
fire-extinguisher (&#xf134;)
firefox (&#xf269;)
flag (&#xf024;)
flag-checkered (&#xf11e;)
flag-o (&#xf11d;)
flash (alias) (&#xf0e7;)
flask (&#xf0c3;)
flickr (&#xf16e;)
floppy-o (&#xf0c7;)
folder (&#xf07b;)
folder-o (&#xf114;)
folder-open (&#xf07c;)
folder-open-o (&#xf115;)
font (&#xf031;)
fonticons (&#xf280;)
fort-awesome (&#xf286;)
forumbee (&#xf211;)
forward (&#xf04e;)
foursquare (&#xf180;)
frown-o (&#xf119;)
futbol-o (&#xf1e3;)
gamepad (&#xf11b;)
gavel (&#xf0e3;)
gbp (&#xf154;)
ge (alias) (&#xf1d1;)
gear (alias) (&#xf013;)
gears (alias) (&#xf085;)
genderless (&#xf22d;)
get-pocket (&#xf265;)
gg (&#xf260;)
gg-circle (&#xf261;)
gift (&#xf06b;)
git (&#xf1d3;)
git-square (&#xf1d2;)
github (&#xf09b;)
github-alt (&#xf113;)
github-square (&#xf092;)
gittip (alias) (&#xf184;)
glass (&#xf000;)
globe (&#xf0ac;)
google (&#xf1a0;)
google-plus (&#xf0d5;)
google-plus-square (&#xf0d4;)
google-wallet (&#xf1ee;)
graduation-cap (&#xf19d;)
gratipay (&#xf184;)
group (alias) (&#xf0c0;)
h-square (&#xf0fd;)
hacker-news (&#xf1d4;)
hand-grab-o (alias) (&#xf255;)
hand-lizard-o (&#xf258;)
hand-o-down (&#xf0a7;)
hand-o-left (&#xf0a5;)
hand-o-right (&#xf0a4;)
hand-o-up (&#xf0a6;)
hand-paper-o (&#xf256;)
hand-peace-o (&#xf25b;)
hand-pointer-o (&#xf25a;)
hand-rock-o (&#xf255;)
hand-scissors-o (&#xf257;)
hand-spock-o (&#xf259;)
hand-stop-o (alias) (&#xf256;)
hashtag (&#xf292;)
hdd-o (&#xf0a0;)
header (&#xf1dc;)
headphones (&#xf025;)
heart (&#xf004;)
heart-o (&#xf08a;)
heartbeat (&#xf21e;)
history (&#xf1da;)
home (&#xf015;)
hospital-o (&#xf0f8;)
hotel (alias) (&#xf236;)
hourglass (&#xf254;)
hourglass-1 (alias) (&#xf251;)
hourglass-2 (alias) (&#xf252;)
hourglass-3 (alias) (&#xf253;)
hourglass-end (&#xf253;)
hourglass-half (&#xf252;)
hourglass-o (&#xf250;)
hourglass-start (&#xf251;)
houzz (&#xf27c;)
html5 (&#xf13b;)
i-cursor (&#xf246;)
ils (&#xf20b;)
image (alias) (&#xf03e;)
inbox (&#xf01c;)
indent (&#xf03c;)
industry (&#xf275;)
info (&#xf129;)
info-circle (&#xf05a;)
inr (&#xf156;)
instagram (&#xf16d;)
institution (alias) (&#xf19c;)
internet-explorer (&#xf26b;)
intersex (alias) (&#xf224;)
ioxhost (&#xf208;)
italic (&#xf033;)
joomla (&#xf1aa;)
jpy (&#xf157;)
jsfiddle (&#xf1cc;)
key (&#xf084;)
keyboard-o (&#xf11c;)
krw (&#xf159;)
language (&#xf1ab;)
laptop (&#xf109;)
lastfm (&#xf202;)
lastfm-square (&#xf203;)
leaf (&#xf06c;)
leanpub (&#xf212;)
legal (alias) (&#xf0e3;)
lemon-o (&#xf094;)
level-down (&#xf149;)
level-up (&#xf148;)
life-bouy (alias) (&#xf1cd;)
life-buoy (alias) (&#xf1cd;)
life-ring (&#xf1cd;)
life-saver (alias) (&#xf1cd;)
lightbulb-o (&#xf0eb;)
line-chart (&#xf201;)
link (&#xf0c1;)
linkedin (&#xf0e1;)
linkedin-square (&#xf08c;)
linux (&#xf17c;)
list (&#xf03a;)
list-alt (&#xf022;)
list-ol (&#xf0cb;)
list-ul (&#xf0ca;)
location-arrow (&#xf124;)
lock (&#xf023;)
long-arrow-down (&#xf175;)
long-arrow-left (&#xf177;)
long-arrow-right (&#xf178;)
long-arrow-up (&#xf176;)
magic (&#xf0d0;)
magnet (&#xf076;)
mail-forward (alias) (&#xf064;)
mail-reply (alias) (&#xf112;)
mail-reply-all (alias) (&#xf122;)
male (&#xf183;)
map (&#xf279;)
map-marker (&#xf041;)
map-o (&#xf278;)
map-pin (&#xf276;)
map-signs (&#xf277;)
mars (&#xf222;)
mars-double (&#xf227;)
mars-stroke (&#xf229;)
mars-stroke-h (&#xf22b;)
mars-stroke-v (&#xf22a;)
maxcdn (&#xf136;)
meanpath (&#xf20c;)
medium (&#xf23a;)
medkit (&#xf0fa;)
meh-o (&#xf11a;)
mercury (&#xf223;)
microphone (&#xf130;)
microphone-slash (&#xf131;)
minus (&#xf068;)
minus-circle (&#xf056;)
minus-square (&#xf146;)
minus-square-o (&#xf147;)
mixcloud (&#xf289;)
mobile (&#xf10b;)
mobile-phone (alias) (&#xf10b;)
modx (&#xf285;)
money (&#xf0d6;)
moon-o (&#xf186;)
mortar-board (alias) (&#xf19d;)
motorcycle (&#xf21c;)
mouse-pointer (&#xf245;)
music (&#xf001;)
navicon (alias) (&#xf0c9;)
neuter (&#xf22c;)
newspaper-o (&#xf1ea;)
object-group (&#xf247;)
object-ungroup (&#xf248;)
odnoklassniki (&#xf263;)
odnoklassniki-square (&#xf264;)
opencart (&#xf23d;)
openid (&#xf19b;)
opera (&#xf26a;)
optin-monster (&#xf23c;)
outdent (&#xf03b;)
pagelines (&#xf18c;)
paint-brush (&#xf1fc;)
paper-plane (&#xf1d8;)
paper-plane-o (&#xf1d9;)
paperclip (&#xf0c6;)
paragraph (&#xf1dd;)
paste (alias) (&#xf0ea;)
pause (&#xf04c;)
pause-circle (&#xf28b;)
pause-circle-o (&#xf28c;)
paw (&#xf1b0;)
paypal (&#xf1ed;)
pencil (&#xf040;)
pencil-square (&#xf14b;)
pencil-square-o (&#xf044;)
percent (&#xf295;)
phone (&#xf095;)
phone-square (&#xf098;)
photo (alias) (&#xf03e;)
picture-o (&#xf03e;)
pie-chart (&#xf200;)
pied-piper (&#xf1a7;)
pied-piper-alt (&#xf1a8;)
pinterest (&#xf0d2;)
pinterest-p (&#xf231;)
pinterest-square (&#xf0d3;)
plane (&#xf072;)
play (&#xf04b;)
play-circle (&#xf144;)
play-circle-o (&#xf01d;)
plug (&#xf1e6;)
plus (&#xf067;)
plus-circle (&#xf055;)
plus-square (&#xf0fe;)
plus-square-o (&#xf196;)
power-off (&#xf011;)
print (&#xf02f;)
product-hunt (&#xf288;)
puzzle-piece (&#xf12e;)
qq (&#xf1d6;)
qrcode (&#xf029;)
question (&#xf128;)
question-circle (&#xf059;)
quote-left (&#xf10d;)
quote-right (&#xf10e;)
ra (alias) (&#xf1d0;)
random (&#xf074;)
rebel (&#xf1d0;)
recycle (&#xf1b8;)
reddit (&#xf1a1;)
reddit-alien (&#xf281;)
reddit-square (&#xf1a2;)
refresh (&#xf021;)
registered (&#xf25d;)
remove (alias) (&#xf00d;)
renren (&#xf18b;)
reorder (alias) (&#xf0c9;)
repeat (&#xf01e;)
reply (&#xf112;)
reply-all (&#xf122;)
retweet (&#xf079;)
rmb (alias) (&#xf157;)
road (&#xf018;)
rocket (&#xf135;)
rotate-left (alias) (&#xf0e2;)
rotate-right (alias) (&#xf01e;)
rouble (alias) (&#xf158;)
rss (&#xf09e;)
rss-square (&#xf143;)
rub (&#xf158;)
ruble (alias) (&#xf158;)
rupee (alias) (&#xf156;)
safari (&#xf267;)
save (alias) (&#xf0c7;)
scissors (&#xf0c4;)
scribd (&#xf28a;)
search (&#xf002;)
search-minus (&#xf010;)
search-plus (&#xf00e;)
sellsy (&#xf213;)
send (alias) (&#xf1d8;)
send-o (alias) (&#xf1d9;)
server (&#xf233;)
share (&#xf064;)
share-alt (&#xf1e0;)
share-alt-square (&#xf1e1;)
share-square (&#xf14d;)
share-square-o (&#xf045;)
shekel (alias) (&#xf20b;)
sheqel (alias) (&#xf20b;)
shield (&#xf132;)
ship (&#xf21a;)
shirtsinbulk (&#xf214;)
shopping-bag (&#xf290;)
shopping-basket (&#xf291;)
shopping-cart (&#xf07a;)
sign-out (&#xf08b;)
signal (&#xf012;)
simplybuilt (&#xf215;)
sitemap (&#xf0e8;)
skyatlas (&#xf216;)
skype (&#xf17e;)
slack (&#xf198;)
sliders (&#xf1de;)
slideshare (&#xf1e7;)
smile-o (&#xf118;)
soccer-ball-o (alias) (&#xf1e3;)
sort (&#xf0dc;)
sort-alpha-asc (&#xf15d;)
sort-alpha-desc (&#xf15e;)
sort-amount-asc (&#xf160;)
sort-amount-desc (&#xf161;)
sort-asc (&#xf0de;)
sort-desc (&#xf0dd;)
sort-down (alias) (&#xf0dd;)
sort-numeric-asc (&#xf162;)
sort-numeric-desc (&#xf163;)
sort-up (alias) (&#xf0de;)
soundcloud (&#xf1be;)
space-shuttle (&#xf197;)
spinner (&#xf110;)
spoon (&#xf1b1;)
spotify (&#xf1bc;)
square (&#xf0c8;)
square-o (&#xf096;)
stack-exchange (&#xf18d;)
stack-overflow (&#xf16c;)
star (&#xf005;)
star-half (&#xf089;)
star-half-empty (alias) (&#xf123;)
star-half-full (alias) (&#xf123;)
star-half-o (&#xf123;)
star-o (&#xf006;)
steam (&#xf1b6;)
steam-square (&#xf1b7;)
step-backward (&#xf048;)
step-forward (&#xf051;)
stethoscope (&#xf0f1;)
sticky-note (&#xf249;)
sticky-note-o (&#xf24a;)
stop (&#xf04d;)
stop-circle (&#xf28d;)
stop-circle-o (&#xf28e;)
street-view (&#xf21d;)
strikethrough (&#xf0cc;)
stumbleupon (&#xf1a4;)
stumbleupon-circle (&#xf1a3;)
subscript (&#xf12c;)
subway (&#xf239;)
suitcase (&#xf0f2;)
sun-o (&#xf185;)
superscript (&#xf12b;)
support (alias) (&#xf1cd;)
table (&#xf0ce;)
tablet (&#xf10a;)
tachometer (&#xf0e4;)
tag (&#xf02b;)
tags (&#xf02c;)
tasks (&#xf0ae;)
taxi (&#xf1ba;)
television (&#xf26c;)
tencent-weibo (&#xf1d5;)
terminal (&#xf120;)
text-height (&#xf034;)
text-width (&#xf035;)
th (&#xf00a;)
th-large (&#xf009;)
th-list (&#xf00b;)
thumb-tack (&#xf08d;)
thumbs-down (&#xf165;)
thumbs-o-down (&#xf088;)
thumbs-o-up (&#xf087;)
thumbs-up (&#xf164;)
ticket (&#xf145;)
times (&#xf00d;)
times-circle (&#xf057;)
times-circle-o (&#xf05c;)
tint (&#xf043;)
toggle-down (alias) (&#xf150;)
toggle-left (alias) (&#xf191;)
toggle-off (&#xf204;)
toggle-on (&#xf205;)
toggle-right (alias) (&#xf152;)
toggle-up (alias) (&#xf151;)
trademark (&#xf25c;)
train (&#xf238;)
transgender (&#xf224;)
transgender-alt (&#xf225;)
trash (&#xf1f8;)
trash-o (&#xf014;)
tree (&#xf1bb;)
trello (&#xf181;)
tripadvisor (&#xf262;)
trophy (&#xf091;)
truck (&#xf0d1;)
try (&#xf195;)
tty (&#xf1e4;)
tumblr (&#xf173;)
tumblr-square (&#xf174;)
turkish-lira (alias) (&#xf195;)
tv (alias) (&#xf26c;)
twitch (&#xf1e8;)
twitter (&#xf099;)
twitter-square (&#xf081;)
umbrella (&#xf0e9;)
underline (&#xf0cd;)
undo (&#xf0e2;)
university (&#xf19c;)
unlink (alias) (&#xf127;)
unlock (&#xf09c;)
unlock-alt (&#xf13e;)
unsorted (alias) (&#xf0dc;)
upload (&#xf093;)
usb (&#xf287;)
usd (&#xf155;)
user (&#xf007;)
user-md (&#xf0f0;)
user-plus (&#xf234;)
user-secret (&#xf21b;)
user-times (&#xf235;)
users (&#xf0c0;)
venus (&#xf221;)
venus-double (&#xf226;)
venus-mars (&#xf228;)
viacoin (&#xf237;)
video-camera (&#xf03d;)
vimeo (&#xf27d;)
vimeo-square (&#xf194;)
vine (&#xf1ca;)
vk (&#xf189;)
volume-down (&#xf027;)
volume-off (&#xf026;)
volume-up (&#xf028;)
warning (alias) (&#xf071;)
wechat (alias) (&#xf1d7;)
weibo (&#xf18a;)
weixin (&#xf1d7;)
whatsapp (&#xf232;)
wheelchair (&#xf193;)
wifi (&#xf1eb;)
wikipedia-w (&#xf266;)
windows (&#xf17a;)
won (alias) (&#xf159;)
wordpress (&#xf19a;)
wrench (&#xf0ad;)
xing (&#xf168;)
xing-square (&#xf169;)
y-combinator (&#xf23b;)
y-combinator-square (alias) (&#xf1d4;)
yahoo (&#xf19e;)
yc (alias) (&#xf23b;)
yc-square (alias) (&#xf1d4;)
yelp (&#xf1e9;)
yen (alias) (&#xf157;)
youtube (&#xf167;)
youtube-play (&#xf16a;)
youtube-square (&#xf166;)


Table head th Table head td
Table foot th Table foot td
Table body th Table body td
Table body td Table body td
Table head th Table head td
Table foot th Table foot td
Table body th Table body td
Table body td Table body td
Table head th Table head td
Table foot th Table foot td
Table body th Table body td
Table body td Table body td
Table head th Table head td
Table foot th Table foot td
Table body th Table body td
Table body td Table body td
Highlighted Rows
Active row
Success tr.success
Danger/Error tr.danger
Warning tr.warning

Forms and Buttons

Typical Form Elements


Example block-level help text here.

Form Layouts

Inline Form

Horizontal Form


Button Sizes

Block Buttons

Disabled Buttons

Grids and Layouts

Bootstrap includes a responsive, mobile-first fluid grid system that appropriately scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases. It includes predefined classes for easy layout options, as well as powerful mixins for generating more semantic layouts.

Semantic Grid Layouts

These styles mimic columns but better represent actual layout content.

.layout-nav + .layout-right

Grid options

See how aspects of the Bootstrap grid system work across multiple devices with a handy table.

Extra small devices Phones (<768px) Small devices Tablets (≥768px) Medium devices Desktops (≥992px) Large devices Desktops (≥1200px)
Grid behavior Horizontal at all times Collapsed to start, horizontal above breakpoints
Max container width None (auto) 720px 940px 1140px
Class prefix .col-xs- .col-sm- .col-md- .col-lg-
# of columns 12
Max column width Auto 60px 78px 95px
Gutter width 30px (15px on each side of a column)
Nestable Yes
Offsets N/A Yes
Column ordering N/A Yes

Example: Stacked-to-horizontal

Using a single set of .col-md-* grid classes, you can create a basic grid system that starts out stacked on mobile devices and tablet devices (the extra small to small range) before becoming horizontal on desktop (medium) devices.

<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">1</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">8</div>
<div class="col-md-4">4</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">4</div>
<div class="col-md-4">4</div>
<div class="col-md-4">4</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">6</div>
<div class="col-md-6">6</div>

Example: Combining mobile with desktop

Don't want your columns to simply stack in smaller devices? Use the extra small and medium device grid classes by adding .col-xs-* .col-md-* to your columns. See the example below for a better idea of how it all works.

<!-- Stack the columns on mobile by making one full-width and the other half-width -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8">8</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4">4</div>

<!-- Columns start at 50% wide on mobile and bump up to 33.3% wide on desktop -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4">4</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4">4</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4">4</div>

<!-- Columns are always 50% wide, on mobile and desktop -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-6">6</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-6">6</div>

Example: Mobile, tablet, and desktop

Build on the previous example by creating even more dynamic and powerful layouts with tablet .col-sm-* classes.

.col-xs-12 .col-sm-6 .col-md-8
.col-xs-6 .col-sm-6 .col-md-4
.col-xs-6 .col-sm-4 .col-md-4
.col-xs-6 .col-sm-4 .col-md-4
.col-xs-6 .col-sm-4 .col-md-4
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-8">.col-xs-12 .col-sm-6 .col-md-8</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-4">.col-xs-6 .col-sm-6 .col-md-4</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-4">.col-xs-6 .col-sm-4 .col-md-4</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-4">.col-xs-6 .col-sm-4 .col-md-4</div>
<!-- Optional: clear the XS cols if their content doesn't match in height -->
<div class="clearfix visible-xs"></div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-4">.col-xs-6 .col-sm-4 .col-md-4</div>